Thursday 27 February 2014

Day4 - resting in Wanaka

Wanaka is small peaceful and has summer season with walking etc and winter season with skiing. I can imagine is rammed in winter with apres ski celebrators. It has mountains all around. Firstly we op shopped more pillows. Then went to Lake Hawea nearby mainly because we thought there might be a scooterable walk there. After more non tarmac we arrived at a deserted beach.

i am trying to get sarah to agree to go into each lake we see but she didnt want to today
it was fresh. To say i swam is pushing it. When i was in sarah was looking the other way so i had to shout to get her to take the above one asap.
then we went for a 20 min each way walk round the headland passing blackberries, rabbit holes, and rose hips.
then we went to wanaka recycling centre where they recycle dump or sell all items. Found Graham Coxon live at the zodiac on dvd. Wandered outside into some containers looking for tent pegs. Found some roller blades. For ages i have been wanting an alternative to running to keep fit. As i tried them on and was tottering around inside the container a dutch bloke came over and grinned at this silly sight.

"yes I am either too old or too young or both I'm not sure" i offered.

then after id found the pads and paid and we were in the car debating what next then we saw next to us a people carrier with hatchback open, with a saw, drill and some wood in the back. Looks like someone is fitting it out for sleeping. 
Sure enough Dutchman comes back over in his bright shiny green tracky bottoms and flip flops

"yeah ive been one month on my own but now my girlfriends joined me i thought id better sort it out"

he was in the perfect place with everything at his fingertips

so we had a little chat offered him wine to help his wannabe carpentry quest from afoil pack we had been given in Tekapo by two belgian women and left him to it.

It did get us thinking though about getting a vehicle first and then fitting it out second as a cheaper way to go in north america.

then home to eat at the campsite

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having a good time xxxxx
