Wednesday 19 February 2014

Christchurch -on a gondola

Knives forks spoons pans matts books and 3 double duvets were piled onto the counter in the sally army op shop. £20.

Fitting it all into the car needed a little bit of care under the hot sun in a superheated car.  Earlier I had bought a "seconds" tent after careful inspection from Kathmandu shop after half an hour in the shop with my bum on a coolbox researching prices. The fault was hard to find. Mum and the kids made a Mcd icecream last an hour of playtime and readtime whilst they waited.

Then off to catch a gondola

we all tucked in ignoring the no eating sign. It was stuffy with small windows but kids were excited. 
last nights dinner
"please do NOT take a picture of me eating last nights dinner!"
it was near deserted at the top
but well worth it
the clouds were below us but the picture helped
then way down

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