Saturday 23 November 2013

While Guy was at The Ashes..

We had a great day! 

Had an early breakfast, took a stash of bananas from the room and headed out. 

I am not like normal people. I have an appalling sense of direction. Put a paper bag on my head, spin me round and I'll come back at you like a drunken person. 
Spin a map around a few times and ask me to find where I am.. not a chance. 

London is like the moon to me and I have lived 60 or so miles away from it nearly all my life. So, travelling anywhere, with any mode of transport is a serious challenge that requires a lot of discipline and concentration. 

Getting two children to the swimming pool 2 miles away in 30c heat requires some serious input. 

I walked out of the hostel, full of hope and optimism, and took a wrong turn straight away. After a few minutes Esme said to me 'Do you think this is the right way mum?' I calmly replied that I thought so but I didn't recognise anything. After walking a bit more I decided it was wrong. The children were delighted when we turned around and within a few minutes started recognising things.

'Yay!! ' they were cheering.. 'Thats in the same place it was last night mum!' 'I remember this from walking home in the dark!' Seriously?! I felt quite embarrassed to be guided down the road by my 4 year old children. Oh well. Can't be perfect! 

We had a lovely long walk and saw some great sculptures.. 

We eventually made it to the pool and lost Rowan's sunglasses in the pool. (Don't ask how!) so there I was, diving in, swimming underwater and coming up gasping. Some kindly chap took a shine on us and offered to help and started diving too. We eventually found then and then decided we'd had enough of the pool so got out and went to play. Rowan really enjoyed himself - especially when shooting me with an imaginary bow and arrow.. 

And Esme was the lookout when we were playing hide and seek.. 

And we had lots of fun with a human/dog fountain..

Great for washing shoes too!! 


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