Thursday 7 November 2013

Penang - eating out

There is a kind of communal arrangement sometimes if we go if you are at a food hall. Seats in the centre and round the outside there are different food stands.

  So you place an order for drinks from one place, curry for sarah  from another stand and chicken kebabs for the kids somewhere else. It all arrives at a random time and you pay for eaxh dish as they bring it to your table coming from different directions based on a table number.

ok thats the first scheme for bigger in town places

but If you are at the beach then same principals but you get a menu from each place so we got drinks menu, two malaysian, a western and an Italian menu with each proprietor hoping you buy from them

plus we dont know all the dishes so a couple of times everyone else has got theirs and i am still deciding. Sarsh always gets a curry so i wont get the same thing directly (indirectly when she doesnt finish it). Also now we ask for kids drinks ten mins after food arrives so they dont fill up first. Tommorrw we go to Georgetown to meet cousin Sarah who lives in Singapore

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