Friday 1 November 2013

Gecko- last night on the bike

Tonight we went for dinner as it was our last school night

it was a tourist curry, too late we realised no heat in it

Mummy found conversation scintillating

dark clouds gathered and we had a will we wont we go inside. In we went and it didnt rain. So hot was it in the 2 sided building that i turned a fan on, no ordinary fan but one that shook rattled, made the whole plank that it was attached to shake and caused staff members to come running with furrowed brows

it was dark when we came to go home so after the customary whose turn on  the front arguement, is it off we set. As we left the beach area we drove through smoke coming from the rear of the beachside restaurants and the stares of passers by as we Thai style negotiated the bumps and potholes. I quite enjoy the riding even if it requires a lot of concentration. We passed through the mercifully quietmarket area (its on tommorrow) the second hand clothes store would have been about"there" i said to myself as we sped past. Approaching the t junction onto the majn road i am glad to see that both ways are clear so we turn right without stopping and go.a.bit quicker. i check things over. Rowan is sort of half on my lap and half standjng himself. I can see his little hands holding the base of the wing mirror sticks so i know he is holding on.behindme isEsme and then mummy. A conversation starts behind me

"i can see heaven" (looking at the stars)

yes you can, isnt it beautiful

"mummy i didnt like the lady in the yellow top"

which one darling?

The air is clear, we are away from the village now so its all dark save for the headlight on the road where my eyes have to stay watching for potholes. Ideally it would shine a bit further in front. Rowans weight is on my knees. Esme is warming my back. I notice the different sound according to whether we are going up hill or coasting downhill.

"you know mummy she had black hair too"

(sarah is busy trying to think which lady from tonight esme is talking about but cant place who she is, so the pondering continues)

where was she sitting?

Headlights approaching on my side of the road draw me back to the driving as a truck overtakes in front his headlights making me squint a little but its ok he is back on his side before i have to check my path. Overall there is not much traffic which i am pleased about. I still cant see out of right hand mirror without ducking but in the dark its easier than in day time to see headlights in the mirror when something comes up behind.

"yes its the lady when we had three beds"

Three beds? That was when we were in Bangkok. Is that who you mean?

"yes mummy when we were in Fangkok"

I am glad the mystery is solved and marvel at the random memory of children. Rowans hair becomes occasionally stuck to my lotion covered sweaty neck as the wind blows it upwards. I twist my head upwards and to the side to cause a disconnect. We are over halfway home and its going well. I realise i feel quite r3sponsible for getting everyone home in one piece but can start to relax a little. Rowan is getting heavier and ankles hurting a little. Not far i say to myself.

i am in the moment and start to think about how i could blog this journey so start to notice it all and make mental notes of little occurences, the others, my five senses and so on. I notice that the headlight glows brighter when the throttle is open and a bit dimmer when idling. I chuckle when reflecting on the fact that the yellow topped lady issue took most of the journey back to resolve. We turn off the main road and i can relax further. Just a few speed bumps and we are home safely sliding Open the gate into Gecko school. A lovely night and this blog is a small way for me to rem3mber jt in future

1 comment:

  1. That was absolutely brilliant. What excitement will Malaysia bring I wonder..? x
