Wednesday 6 November 2013

Penang by the pool

Day after play centre we paid to use pool of Park Royal hotel. Sarah went ahead with the kids paid and got three crimson towels to put on the chairs. I strolled along the beach and then in through the gardens and we avoided a charge. Kids has first time with batman and mickey mouse arm bands. They loved it.

Tentative at first after a couple of hours they were moving around on their own and gaining confidence.  It was lovely to see as another unexpected " first " appeared before our eyes.   

At lunch we left our towels and waked 2 mins to a local cafe. We were served by a very dark skinned local who had a kind of regimental 'tach that went from ear to ear and a clean shave chin. He smoked fags behind the counter but made a nice cĂ rrot milk.

often the kids are grouchy and they get a new lease of life after each meal. 
Later back at the pool we saw an interesting example of extreme sightseeing
i think he was painting

then off for dinner on way home
she had a three paw impact but the plasters made it worth it


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