Sunday 10 November 2013

Georgetown - Penang Hill

Mountain cable railway. For fans of the Rev W Audrey, think "mountain engines" (Dark blue cover on the book where each compartment is higher or lower than the staggered adjoining one. Dual pricing according to nationality.  People gave up seats. Then at the top a lot of attention for the kids

the giggly bunch above were ok about the picture. I asked them first. Then they said can we take one of kids ?(scooters,fair hair, 2 of them) 
but Rowan wont pose even for us sometimes but thats ok. So we pick Rowan up and just act normal and let the girls snap at a random moment rather than  us posing.

i can remember being asked to smile as a kid for photos and not wanting to and not understanding why my parents thought it important. And i also think of Winnicottian 'false self' at times like thus but Sarah tells me not be so ridiculous!

sometimes when the kids are zooming around together it really is like a James Bond film where the bloke on the street corner sees something. Cant believe his eyes. Rubs his eyes and looks afresh at the bottle he is drunking and then looks again.  I mean people stop and watch and sometimes mouths open are really taken aback. Last week a bloke sitting outside a tailors shouted across the road "great Idea" as we passed. Scooters probably quadruple the kids range when we are out

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