Monday 18 November 2013

A dress! A dress!

Only borrowed for the night from  cousin Sarah but very greatfully appreciated!!

and we then managed our first kid free night Of the trip (well..... 2.5 hours that is))


  1. You look great and Guy hasn't scrubbed up too bad either xxxx

  2. Yeah, you both look lovely.. do you only have the one bag still? you poor things, i'd feel very bereft without my creature comforts ;)

    Hope that the children had a lovely birthday. Lots of love Charlotte xxxx

  3. You both look happy/contented; wonderful to see. Hope you have a wonderful time in Oz - what am I saying of course you will!! News from home - its icy & reached the heady heights of 5degrees today (I'm in Wigan). You're not missing much. Xx
