Thursday 14 November 2013

Kuala Lumpur out and about

Kids have a dvd player in a lounge no one uses. 50 plus cheap copies sit in 4 inch thick dvd folders if we were so inclined.  We are staying in Explorers Inn hostel in a double with me on a 1 inch mattress on the floor and mummy in the bed between the kids. (Each position has pros and cons) for 85 ringitt which is 17 gbp per night. Free peanut butter on white plus tea in the morning.  Trip advisor is a great planning aid so we set off for klcc 4 stops on the light railway.

Walking up from the lower basement and choosing the shady side of the street we arrived at a small feature rich urban oark squeezed between tall towers

Rowan asked for a banana as we rested under a tree escaping the sun. We didnt have one. He got very upset at the suggestion we go and get food when a huge playground lay unexplored in front of him. He did his small clenched fist attack on mummy. After the second time of ignoring I smacked him on the back of the hand which made it all worse. So he went off with mummy. As they got to the top of a load of steps mummy beckoned. Up we went to be confronted by perfect designed for kids 12in deep pool. It really was like an oasis for us.  Crowd control

was 2 attendsnts with whistles
I got "peeped" for this effort. After that I took the trouble to read pool rules. Pool is not for overgrown kids just actual kids.

As I was drip drying, Mohadgja came over and introduced himself and his daughter Manda (esmes glasses) he was 35 studying "education management" a Muslim from Indonesia. He was there with his wife. After a while he asked if we 

'have polygamy at home'

"No it cannot be done with permission and u get locked up if without permission . So why do you do it?"

'Its about learning to manage the needs of the wives.much learning comes through this'

"But isn't one enough to keep you occupied?"

He gave a lot of explanation some of which I could not follow because of the accent and some because of the logic. He said that there are more women in Indonesia (surely not THAT many more I thought as he was talking). One reason also was that it was about supporting women financially and that indirectly one possible problem that may result without polygamy was more prostitution. Naturally this was fascinating as I tried to make mental notes to blog later with.

then we had to wind it up and go for lunch.

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