Sunday 3 November 2013

Notes to self

When getting up at 3am to catch a plane from Thailand to Malaysia, remember you are entering a Muslim country and short shorts and a skimpy vest will not be appropriate. Especially when you notice ALL the women are completely covered. I felt so incredibly exposed and vulnerable it was truely horrible. (I quickly dragged my bag from the carousel and got dressed in arrivals.)

Remember you are not powerless Sarah, you just need to take a deep breath and find your voice. I have been feeling my old inadequacies again and once I found my voice and talked to Guy, things were resolved immediately. 

Even though cold showers are horrible, it is not the end of the world. It is more important to be clean rather than stinking through the hatred of cold water rushing over your body.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sarah you brought back my memories of KL-i had exactly the same feeling of dressing inappropriately (I had a skort on) and doing a quick change in a side street! How odd. Also the men kept tutting (or sort of sucking their teeth) at me. Still not sure what it means other than not good. Lee just told me to ignore it but easier said than done. Have you come across pavements made of ceramic tiles yet? V hygienic but lethal (and v funny) when wet. Avoid in flip flops that's my advice. Hope you all have a wonderful time. Btw Alice is now 'cruising' but not yet brave enough to try walking alone. She also speaks a lot of jibberish and makes herself laugh. She's getting cuter by the day. Xx
