Monday 11 November 2013

Georgetown -Love Lane

Sarah cousin was already out  when we got up. (One of the unexpected benefits of sleeping in a room with no windows is a later lie in) we found her in a bagel type of breakfast place. They are wood oven toasted.

Esme has to drink her apple quickly or it goes brown. Cousin sarah was a welcome addition to the child care team. New games new ideas new ways of managing behavior. She was doing ticket counting with the brown cards. 
of course full of whiteys like us. We then found ourselves on a small quiet backstreet full of character.
lets say the conversartion was flowing
having a strong chin must run in my side ofthe family
we also found a disused jewelley shop with machines from 70's and 80's and a humbling story about the man who saved all his ringitt when a peasant farmer and then set up the shop. There were black and white pictures of him on the wall surrounded by his workforce. All looking proud standing in front of the doors. It was now selling nick nacks and simple jewellry bought in. Esme and rowan found some ink and stamps and seemed to getit all over them. And a wind up tin frog. An ancient  original metal safe was sitting in the corner, and the localady who was serving was plink plonking away on a eukelele which gave a pleasant background. Cuz thought it was piped music. Something for everyone as Sarah was able to shop.


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