Saturday 9 November 2013

Georgetown the hotel that wasnt

After an hour of a lovely coastal bus ride, we arrived in Georgetown, a world heritage site. A beautiful crumbling city a bit like Havana in Cuba. Some of it restored, some of it not. 

We are staying in the 'little India' district and as soon as we got off the bus into the searing heat it was like being in India! 

It was a full on assault of all your senses! So many people! So many smells! Little stalls cooking bhaji's, samosa's, sweet lentil patties, loud, loud music blaring out on every corner and then even louder music on the next corner, temples everywhere, sari shops, silk shops, amazingly vibrant colours, it's was like taking a deep breath and feeling truly alive - as if inhaling the first breath of life all over again. 

Unfortunately out hotel left a little bit to be desired. Esme was dying for the loo when we got there. I took her into our new hotel and she took one look at it and said, 'I'm not going in there mummy. I don't need to go to the toilet any more'. 

That was the clincher for me. Unbeknownst to me Guy had also serupticiously been conducting his own health and safety assessment. He had upturned beds, checked bathrooms, looked in showers, examined broken stools and taken photos of it all. Documented everything. True Guy style. 

I told Guy I wanted to move and he was like a machine. Pinging into action. 'Right.' He said. 'Im on it'. He went downstairs to reception and told them if they didn't give us our money back he would post all the damning evidence on Trip Advisor. This immediately sent people scurrying to clean bathrooms, clean mirrors, sweep floors and anything else they could find to do. The owners turned out to be a lovely couple and although they couldn't return our money, they were very kind and didn't mind if we changed hotels at all. That's all you really need. We are waiting to see if we can have our money refunded through Agoda. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG..I'm speechless...well I reckon Esmie is your new hotel inspector:) I hope you find something else...
    Minna x
