Thursday 21 November 2013

Sentosa island- read second

......continued from first post

Ok lets keep walking. Oh it seems that now we have an idea of scale that its further than we thought. Message to cousin still firmly stuck in outbox. Lets stop at this 7-11to get some food. I cant see anything I would want to eat so I leave Stranksy inside getting two stuffed bread rolls. I sit on a wall outside waiting. My 5 hours of lilo sleep is catching up. Little enthusiasm within for this. 

"Can we have an ice cream?

'No' (silently I say to them " you know the way it works you have to eat the boring stuff first") 

 I check my phone again. Nothing. Then the rain starts. The sort that is so dense it obliterates the horizon. We are under cover but next move is curtailed somewhat. Kids kick off. 

"Shall we go home?"

"Yeah we could do but then Banksy would be left alone. We have to try and reach her so let's pursue wifi"

(I am writing this blog on the plane to brisbane.  A hostess just glided by and offered a juice in the darkness)

Back to the story. "If we inch round here we can go up these 4 escalators to wifi"

"Sorry sir not here try starbucks"

We debate going home again. No lets push on to Starbucks.

"Sorry sir not here"

We at last find ourselves at an internal bus stop and I choose the wrong one but eagle eyed wife stops us just in time.  Rowan and I sit  in front of ten Japanese school kids who fill the back

Of the bus. I rapidly conclude they are the nation of heaviest cooing when I answer that we are from England his name is Rowan and they are twins.  They all are amazingly coordinated with their cooing  and head nodding at us and at each other as the answer is provided. I make a mental note to remember this is what Japanese look like so I can better learn to differentiate nationalities in future. Off the bus and I dare not look at the time. We ask a stall holder about wifi.

"Not here"  she says unceremoniously. (She is running her own stall and is not dressed in purple "I am a staff employee trained to smile and be helpful" uniform)           

"But it says it here and here on the map"

She goes off to check with her mate.

"Try over there at Starbucks"

Sarah and I look at each other. Today wasnt meant to be like this. She is also low on sleep and we have had a few crossed words. Off we trudge. We get to another coffee shop.

"Yes sir we have wifi"

I look at the board above the guys head deciding what to buy before he adds

"There is no password sir"

I go outside and stranksy has already got a reply from banksy.

"She is at bora bora bar"

Another ten minutes wait for a bus

at last we arrive at Bora Bora bar
to be continued...

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