Friday 18 April 2014

Salmon Arm

So feeling a little shaky after my temperature rollercoaster of the night before I set out to buy breakfast and food for our 8 hr bus journey ahead.

Proudly dumping the bag back in the room Sarah said "I think you might have bought for yourself" as she rolled her eyes. Clearly vegetable juice for brekky  was not her thing! But the peanut butter and brown loaf proved invaluable in the bus even if the lack of a knife meant we did have to spread it with the handle end of a toothbrush.

We set off at lunchtime

After ages and ages going over mountain passes through rain snow mist sun and never ending grey cloud we arrived 20 minutes late in the dark to be met by Randy and Debbie two smiling faces of our hosts whose faces meant I instantly had a feeling they are going to be great. 8 hrs was instantly worth it.

Kids got to sit in the back back seat of their vehicle which they loved.  We walked into their house and cellophaned in readiness was crudites fruit dips and bread.

Here they are modelling the ingredients for "a Ceasar".... a drink we know as something else at home...

Clamato contains dried clam broth hence the name

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