Sunday 27 April 2014

Beautiful house 2 of 2

So it seems more kids require less supervision.

These were former park ranger hats.

meanwhile the adults congregated in the kitchen talking about the house the surroundings, the trip, homeschooling, spiritual stuff and lots more. I got thrashed by Troy at table ice hockey. Wandered around exploring bookshelves and cd racks. Compared views on some books. 'A kind of blue' was playing. All the time surrounded by wood. Felt really at home. Then chicken roast.

kids are still at it supervised by 11yr old Selina

"Will you chase us?"

After getting up to three magnum ice creams a day in oz and nz I thought something had to be done. So for the last six weeks I have been a cookie, chocolate and ice fream free zone. So the above pie with sugary topping was like a coffee hit all by itself. It even had huckleberries in it..... (a canadian moment....)

It was a special afternoon topping up some of my empty tanks. The conversation could have gone on for ages...what is it to know our inner self..and why....the Landmark Forum they have done..  More than once I thought how lucky we were to have heen welcomed so much, and oh yes we are in Canada....and that Paul Webber from Yarra comment about feeling like you have known somebody longer than the actual number of days you have kniwn them
Thanks all

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