Tuesday 22 April 2014

Rainy Salmon Arm

Guy is feeling much better and getting ready to work in an outfit made for a little man. 


Guy working (no he hadn't done all that himself!) 

Meanwhile I washed, rinsed and rubbed about a million windows, stopped the kids from fighting, made sure they didn't eat too much rubbish, didn't watch too much tv, didn't draw or the walls or cut each others hair, played cards with them, taught them some numbers and cooked dinner.. Life is still the same even over here! 

This was home made stuffing.. With a turkey roast dinner - traditional Canadian fayre for thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.. (you all know how Guy is about food..) 

Yep. That's a turkeys curly bit. 

Esme and Rowan- although they look fine they are a bit chocolated-out and have little colds.. It's just the change in temperature.. 

The low-lying cloud has been around all day making us all feel a bit glum..

S x 

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