Friday 11 April 2014

Mangawai to Red Beach

Cleaning up the caravan...

There were loads of ants outside.had to keep squiting legs with a hose. Sarah did washing up. I did packing.  We left and stopped in Warkworth
Twinned with Banbury. Then 1 hr later we got to Daves in Red beach. We cooked dinner and took it to the fire station with daves wife lianne as dave was doing his shift as a volunteer. Dave was out refuelling a truck so we hung around in a recreation room till he came back
Then it was homemade pesto pasta. So delicious I think shredded cardboard covered in it would be a consideration...then messing about in the station ...
Kids were soooo excited...

Ladder is wooden so it does not conduct electricity or heat.
Volunteer fire person Sarah also cuts the guys hair during quiet moments

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