Friday 4 April 2014

H'valley - harvesting

Came back from a run and heard some voices in the middle of a large cider tree with lots of rosy small apples. The kids were helping mum pick. Plan was to juice them immediately then add a mushroom to make vinegar.  After each child had tried one go up the ladder then they had had enough.

Later it was picking up feijoa fallers from under a bush. They are ripe when fallen.

I carried on painting windows using an art style 1cm wide brush which is so much easier to control

Sarah slept in so we went to find a shady area where the kids played restaurants whilst I did some psything.

Later we went for a 1km walk to a neighbours. Lots of moaning on the way back. But playmates helped once there. The neighbour tried to feed half a banana 3 times to each of the two pigs but one of them kept eating them all and it was not the pregnant one. The pigs were free range munchers of grass and had furiously wagging tails throughout.

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