Wednesday 2 April 2014

Honeymoon valley-Messing about outside

we get up at 8am. There are figs apples pears passion fruit, frijoles, papino and home made bread so gorgeous when warm, all to choose from.

As it was cloudy today the kids were outside for ages.

Then blending as apples are everywhere from the orchard. Cookers eaters.  Ones for pickling. Ones for vinegar

Today we had a misunderstanding. I thought  only the putty on the windows needed painting. But it turned out the whole thing needed to be done. So we put the kids in front of a film and hastily did 3 windows before dinner.

We studied a mouse indoors for a while after lunch. It didn't seem frightened. The theory was it had already been poisoned thats why it wasnt running away

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