Saturday 19 April 2014

Salmon Arm-Easter saturday

Today we got car seats for the children that will last them all the way through the rest of our trip and continue to be used when at home..

This is the kids trying their new 'thrones' out for the first time! Pussy Cat got a ride too.. 

Rowan was too excited to go to sleep tonight after I stupidly told him about the imminent arrival of the Easter Bunny.. He insisted on trying to sleep with one eye open and told me to wake him up as soon as I thought the Bunny was here..

The hallway, dining room, kitchen and lounge are strewn with Easter egg trails and there will be an easter egg hunt in the garden in the morning when Esme and Rowan will find new pyjama's (sorry lex but they're already too small!) and more chocolates from our lovely hosts..

Today we were driving back from the local store and saw two coyotes in the field. Randy and Debbie had a visit from an elk a couple of weeks ago who ate all the new buds from the tree.. Haven't seen any bears rambling around but have been told to listen out for wolves at night.. Yikes!

Early spring is just beginning to arrive after 5 months of snow.. Makes the English cold winters seem positively tame!! 

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