Tuesday 8 April 2014

Pizza in the outside oven

Specially for pizza loving Lee Horrocks

Clear out the old ashes
Assemble new burning wood with paper
Add small stuff for 1 hr
Add bigger for next hour
(This oven does not have insulation under the fire bricks so takes longer than normal to be ready)
To cook -move all embers to back and side
Roll out dough
Add toppings
Put lots flour on round metal serving stick so pizza will easily slide off it.
Move near oven and slide pizza in
Rotate after part of a minute so each bit of crust edge is easily done
Retrieve pizza onto chopping board
Wonder whether its possible to do this at home


  1. lee 'king of pizza' horrocks9 April 2014 at 15:15

    Fire and pizza - 2 of god's greatest creations! Hope there's plenty chillis on top.

  2. Keep your eyes open for free fire or kiln bricks lee. Guy
