Friday 4 April 2014

H'valley -evening gathering

We turned up at the earth cafe ( a house built by a 64 yr old woman ) not knowing what to expect. We had been told there was food on offer but we arrived late and everyone was seated outside in a courtyard at tables with no space free. People predominantly white and middle aged upwards only 2 other kids.  So we wandered into the house did a few "oohs" and "ahs". We needed to bòok for food which we had not done. Music was in 45 mins so we wandered away from the tables not sure what to do.

A smiley face on an empty bench near the pizza oven invited us to sit down.  He introduced himself with a single letter first name with an english accent. As well as sharing a bench with him we were in prime pizza oven observation position.  we exchanged the usual pleasantries about travel, living arrangements and the area. Then he asked pizza cook James for one for the kids. Ten minutes later we were negotiating the removal of topping with the kids in order to get them to eat it.

Sarah wandered off with Esme and we started a conversation (although I was mainly listening) covering homeopathy,
"big medical" suppressing  things like high dose or intravenous vitamin c in the interest of profit. 

Then the lengthy introductions started on the patio including the place the cooks the hosts the energy the history the land etc followed off by a reminder that A band of three people were going to play and this was the first night of their tour and donation was appreciated but not policed

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