Tuesday 21 January 2014

Yarra valley - to the woodyard

Esme wanted to come. Rowan didnt.

so about 12km there and back chatting to our host john about jobs, sons, parents, prices, land. On the way we phuttered to a halt. John was a mechanic till age 21 when he joined the police. He is now plain clothes detective. He knew it was a petrol issue so switched to the reserve tank which too was almost empty. So we refuelled at the top of a hill and arrived at the yard. 

we had a chat with the son of the owner And handed over 10aus$ for a trailer load of wood chippings. Gary had two kids was softly spoken and clearly smart. He had those gallosh ankle things to stop sawdust going into his boots.

we drove round with two shovels and started on a 6ft tall pile of chippings

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