Sunday 12 January 2014


Today started as an overcast morning but by lunch time the sky was a searing blue without any clouds and a top temperature of 28c.

It was a good job that Guy got his roof straddling job out of the way early.. As he has started working at 6am to ensure its done before it gets too hot. 

He's replacing the roof on an old tin shed. Originally the inside of the shed was covered in newspaper from the 1940's.. Fascinating to see that things haven't changed that much! 

Esme and Rowan had a lovely time up on the roof too.. 

This afternoon we went up to the local swimming pool which was fun;) I'm sure we'll be spending a lot of time there this week as we've got a heat wave coming.. Temperatures up to 43c! We'll have to stay inside then.. 

1 comment:

  1. Guy you look like a true blue Aussie now! Xxxx
