Thursday 9 January 2014

YallournN-a wander round

Old butcher
Same road many decades ago
At one point here 3 dogs began barking at the same time from behind their gates. Reminded us of 
Thailand we agreed
yes there really were no cars
The world stops for a playground. As Sarah was working heRe i haD a few minutes gazing at the distance and the light green rolling hills used for grazing, with dark green topped trees at their top.  We will only be here once. 
What is it like to live here all the time?
why do people live here?
what sort of people live here?
can I deduce anything by looking at their houses or their trucks or their front gardens?
is the town waxing or waning overall?
how long is the commute to Melbourne?

in the sun it feels much better
i suppose i wrongly may assume that quiet equals depressed


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