Tuesday 7 January 2014

YallournN-what are we doing here?

Specially for an inquisitive Mrs Magee......

We are staying in a 3 bed former SEC house owned by Janina who is our helpx host. After reading her profilec we rang her before xmas and then skyped. So she provides the food and house and as she is a self confessed no likey cooker we are doing the cooking too. So we are doing mainly outdoor work for 3 to 5 hrs a day which is great because the kids come out and start messing about instead of wanting to watch star wars or my little pony.

so they have learnt that mixing 3 primaries makes brown but if they mix just two they get new colours. Upon discovering this they wanted to just mix mix mix and forget actual painting. They were occasionally painting the polystyrene from this
i have heard of ladies hammers but never handbag hammers! This would definitely fit in a handbag

. Its the coldest here out of any place we have been so yestaerday we charity shopped long trousers for the kids and long tops for us. Houses here have chimneys here whereas in Queensland they dont at all.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you -enjoy
    Now what date and time do you arrive in Christchurch?
