Thursday 9 January 2014

YallournN-doing jobs

This chainsaw is electric(battery) slower, quieter and has fewer chain teeth per inch in comparison to petrol driven ones.  Its like cuddling a guinea pig instead of trying to tame a wild animal  (saw we have at home), hence the children do not run inside and stare through the sliding doors, as soon as the saw is picked up (as they do at home).

So the kids can be around one after previously just watching from inside.

we then had alovely hour where we were lopping and limbing and the kids were putting the leafy bits in a pile and generally wandering around. We can be around them most of the day on this trip which for me is much more than i saw them at home.
most of the trees here are Eucalyptus which Is good burning wood. wood burning inside is needed for about 3 months of the year. Not now. The heat has returned with a vengeance. Aussy slang is "gum" tree
imagination said this was a carriage.

Janina has an Impressive ability to pluck the right tool from a dusty drawer in her garage or out house or house. So we are trying to consolidate them all into one place but the roof had holes in the chosen spot so its being replaced.
kids wwre under the weather for a day this week so sarah looked after them whilst bringing new life to old and repairing a croc we had been carrying for 2 months broken. when do we find time at home?

last night we watched Spellbound by Hitchcock on vhs (OP shop had ten for 1aus$) 
even though we cant carry them on from here.
it was made In 1945 before humanistic and behavioral therapies and focussed on a psychiayric institution where "analysts" worked and had plenty of terminology. It was occasionally of its time regarding women but not too warped. Again we never had time at home. To watch

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