Friday 20 December 2013

Sydney & meeting a friend

Sarahs friend from 15 years ago in Brighton is training to be a doctor at the ripe young age of 41 where his osteopath qualification and life experience will give him quite a different view to a 23 year old. Jamie lives in Woolhara and invited us to meet him for brunch.

Sitting outside in a small courtyard square and surrounded by shops, the slats above us ensuring the right mix of sun and shade as we started talking. First time meeting for me. Catching up with an old friend for sarah.

Ooh this menu is a bit expensive..after a moment of uncertainty......thankfully Jamie kindly agreed to get the food for us. I am sure his generosity improved the taste!

The clientele included botox and babies and everything inbetween. Esme and Rowan played so well with their my little pony and spiderman figurines without being able to run around. It was only aftetwards that I realised how good the kids had been

When the opening drink was a kale tomato and lemon juice made this morning I knew it was going to be a treat.

So Jamie was comfortable talking about "energy" in contexts other than power generation or tiredness. He understood about being someone who sees the big picture. He was interesting and interested.  He went off "to osteo"  and we made our way through beautiful leafy streets lined with terraced houses with the common corrugated iron painted rooves.  And cast iron 1st floor railings allowing the dwellers to be shaded as they watch the world go by.

Approaching Centennial park the lights were out so a baseball cap uniformed policeman stopped three lanes of traffic each side so we could cross.

As it was 1pm it was lotion and hats on and off to find the playground

the park was so beautiful

"are we there yet?"

after ten mins we found the playground. After ten mins sarah went home for a rest. The next hour was spent hiding from the sun in a small playground house as the kids imagination ran to fires. Purple cakes. Twig burgers. Pink cakes. cups of tea. Presents

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