Friday 27 December 2013

Melbourne a day out 1 of 2

This where we stopped as Rowans scooter had been confiscated owing to the fact that hewas using it as a weapon
We then had about an hour Where he had no scooter so wanted to be picked up. He badgers Sarah more at times like this. As she was tired her tolerance was lower. So my confiscation was causing aggro for Sarah but then eventually he apologised

"Rowan I need you to take this scooter off me my arm I
is getting Longer on this side!" (He found this funny)
the docks had no people. Some history boards explained that the queens ship was docked there throughout the 1956 olympics. We sat in a tiny bit of shade and had carrot and humus. then after 2 hrs of walking we got to our destination

1 comment:

  1. And I thought only hania comes with such a brilliant ideas :) I hope you are all ok. Where are you spendig new years eve?
