Wednesday 11 December 2013

Sydney - Cockatoo island part 1 of 3

Another ferry ride across the beautiful Sydn3y bay and we arrived.

as sarah and the kids looked at this
iwatched a short video. When i got back to them sarah was using the numbers to teach the kids to recognise numbers whilst at the same time they were mini pretzel and humus dipping. Off we set going round the small island seemingly on our own ie all the others walked in a different direction.  It had been recommended to us and wassmall green and fewer buildings than pictured above.
it was informal not overly managed and great for exploring

bomb shelter

slowly revealing its history

at this point i thought about how my father would have been when confronted  with a lathe with me in tow as a child. He would have explained in detail -that would have lost me- about how it worked. he was an engineer who apprenticed on a lathe anyway. So when i heard the phrase "this bit of metal moves into that bit of metal" come out of my mouth with Rowan standing there and me trying to turn long rusted bits of metal that wouldnt move, i was glad when Rowan said "perhaps we shouldnt play with that daddy as its not ours". Instead i moved to safer ground talking about overhead gantries and cranes.
as ww left a pair of safety glasses presented themselves

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