Sunday 15 December 2013

Meeting up with amazing people

Arrived in Sydney and getting into the groove of things.. I have always loved it here.. I lived here in 1999 with Danny and Lex.. And we have remained firm friends.. I feel very blessed to have them in my life. 

Had the most brilliant night out with my friends.. Found an amazing pub behind an unassuming metal door but inside it was like going out drinking in the Wild West! Moose heads and cow heads hung from the ceiling, country and western music softly playing in the background.. Will take more pictures of the amazing interior later this week. 

And finally.. A nice picture of me, without windswept hair or squinty eyes..

What a fantastic night!


  1. You look so happy and healthy Sarah. That's Sydney for you :D I wish I was with you, I'm truly envious. Continue to have a wonderful time and keep us updated. You're doing a great job. It's Alice's 1st birthday today - she's got a bug and is ill poor thing so her little party has been postponed, and I can hear the wind and rain lashing at the bedroom window. x

  2. Happy birthday Alice!! I'm sending you some sunshine! Hope to see you somewhere on our travels Shani! Much love, s xxx
