Saturday 7 December 2013

Sydney from ipswich

Frantic cleaning and washing of our bed area, harvesting crusts of bread to make sandwiches on the way to the train we taxied. Of course the driver wanted to talk about the Ashes and who can blame him

Then on the train to the airport empty the guard came and took the kids to the drivers compartment. We then had our first ever "person less" checkin before boarding budget Tiger air.

Entertainment in the airport consisted of shaking tamarind stones in an empty bottle which caused one woman on the phone to move away rapidly.
After 75min flight
We were then met off the plane in Sydney by Lex who is sarahs friend. We think this will be the only pick up we will get on this trip so it felt like royalty for a few minutes. She had spotted our bags on the carousel before we got out as they were the only rucsacs. Lex is who sarah met in thailand when sarah went in december 2012 for a two week holiday.

Our first task was to show Lex how to carry the rucsac properly using the waisteband.  And now we are staying in her one bed flat for a few days in the Waterloo district of Sydney.

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