Tuesday 31 December 2013

Melbourne-007 Bond exhibition 2 of 2

Presumably in random languages to discouage photos
This bloke comes from the first film I have explained to the kids - chosennbecause I
it has a dragon in it
cars above about 20 Inches long. And which film?
can you name the two films in which he appeared one as a crook and one as a colleague?
Above is plan for base of which baddy?
story board from which film?
And what film was this car in?

New years Eve

Music and burgers at the house then beach. Police keeping everything alcohol free

Melbourne-and then the museum

After 007 we hit the normal museum.  stick insect.

respect for mother natures power is greater here as oz is quite prone. Bushfires 2 years ago in Victoria state were devastating
resulting in the above
tortoise shell. Its lovely that the kids are Interested in museums. 
then we saw this stationary monster
with traffic building up behind it. He didnt want a push. I think its size was what got me first plus then the potential vulnerability associated with Its age and the fact that its not in its home country

"Lincoln Continental 1961 mate, its the first run for over a year and i am having a few issues!" 
it was belching smoke out the back too

Monday 30 December 2013

Melbourne-007 Bond exhibition 1 of 2

Paid exhibition very near where we spent the night. On the way we found Carltons only Op shop where esmes glasses were tridden on so 3 of us ended up getting new pairs. Comprising a seies of "rooms"  on one particular subject as follows, the exhibition allowed no photography

it got a bit difficult trying to explain to Rowan about how and why the lady was prostate
in each room the props and clothes were real (Apart from Pussy Galores gold waistcoat and goldfingers dinner jacket) And clips of films were playing to help illustrate the props

Melbourne- An overnight

Booked a room and off we go

kids rucsacs double as daysacks. Carrot humus haloumi water nuts apples. 45mins on bus to get to train then same again to get to Melbourne. On the bus sat behind me was a girl who revealed (to her friend) Her age (low) and number of former partners (high).

once in town sarah shopped for a sparkly dress which she tried on. So at one point i was watching at one end of the changing rooms and kids were choosing random extra things for mummy to try. Then to the apartment to stay as we walked to beautiful Carlton district of Melbourne

Rosebud - Dave and Paul

Dave looks a bit like a certain Mr Nicholson. On our first night I wasnt sure who he reminded me of but it was someone.

he's a Heineken man. On the first night ie xmas eve going into xmas day we put up the trampoline for an hour until 1am so that the kids would discover it in the morning. He is kylies husbands sisters husband. The other day we had a couple of pints in a pub garden and as it was sunny we both had our sunnieis on. This meant that i could not register his eye movement so i spent a lot of time looking at his teeth as he was talking.  He sees his wife and daughters every 6 weeks as he drives an 170 tonne 3 trailer iron ore road train 7 days a week in western australia for minimum 12 hrs per day if things go smoothly or more if there is a problem. He drives port to mine then back again. He owned a 3 truck concreting business in Christxhurch but after the quake lots of other companies came in and undercut him in the rebuilding so he went bust.

paul is kylies husband, well nearly as they get married in March
he is also a relocated Kiwi. Paul works in a marquee hospitality company and does silly hours at this time of year as every one is celebrating or getting married or having parties. He came home at ten pm thenother night. Paul is a Christian, surfer, father brother. He is so fit his cheeks go inwards. Loves the beach. Is very open In conversation. Is incredibly hospitable, loves films and doesnt like to miss anything. breakfast Is his favourite meal but he rarely eats it. Sarah approves of the marriage.

thanks for opening your house to us paul and kylie!