Friday 30 August 2013

Getting ready to leave our lovely home!

Our beautiful home and garden has never looked so good! Wood shelters built, wood cut and stacked (all four tonnes of it!), exterior repaired, interior repaired, doors sanded and revarnished,bath and showers re-grouted, carpets have been cleaned, kitchen scrubbed, bathrooms sparkling, cobwebs cleared, walls repainted.. and thats just the house! 

Lots of lost items have been found and reunited (in some cases!) and new discoveries have been made - who knew spiders could be so industrious?!

Clothes have been given away, toys packed up, all personal items moved out and we have streamlined our possessions to one drawer each - with more reducing to come..

Not so sure I want to go! Nerves are beginning to kick in as I have a few minutes to myself. 

Final goodbyes have been going on all week and I am being reminded time and time again that a lot can change in a year. I have had to stay away from negative people as the most important thing to me is to get me and my family back home in one piece. All present and correct. 

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